I clearly remember the day- 23rd September 2017; I have been struggling with my inner self for a while now and on this particular afternoon, I felt devastated with what I was feeling inside. I decided to Google for LGBT dating sites where I found ‘one scene’.
RIGHTS 4 HER is an initiative that was formed in 2016 to advocate and champion access to Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights for closeted Lesbian, Bisexual, Intersex and Queer persons both in urban and rural areas. It is a safe space where closeted LBQI persons speak up against prejudice and tackle what it really means to stay in the closet.
We ought to learn from the targets of our enemies, so as to camouflage better and thrive from the hate-environment. To the young people, education is key! Whether gay or straight, as a growing person, education is paramount to opening doors to a sustainable life, so focus and acquire that tool. Coming out is a “sacrifice”, so young people ought to weigh options; what is the cost of being myself and loosing education yet camouflage and attain education?
The Institute for Justice and Reconciliation would like to recognise 10 young activists who are doing exceptional work in the Gender Justice Field in Africa. IJR is calling for nominations to be sent in by the public to assist our panel review team in making the final selection.
The purpose of the Internship is to support the work of the Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders at the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (ACHPR). It is a 12 month position based in Banjul/ Cotonou.
I was confused about the whole thing at the beginning but that actually didn’t change a thing. My mothers loved me and just like any other kid who had a father and a mother, I never lacked anything in life. My parents made sure I knew I was loved and I felt wanted. They provided me with everything.
Coming out of the closet should be to the people that matter the most (family, friends etc) and does not necessarily imply speeding off to a ‘kiss and tell’ spree; exposing your business to the whole world. Being gay doesn’t exempt you from the civility of enjoying your privacy.
I stride in my lane and run the miles alone Though despair and fear fog up ahead of my vision As long as I accept the reject in me
Kuchu Times Programs Director Ruth Muganzi, while at World Pride in Spain last week, took a few minutes to spread some love and encourage the several LGBTI identifying individuals that can not freely embrace who they are because society and the law says they are ‘out of the norm.’