current uganda

Archived, News

The Ten Faces of Sexuality

As most of us know, Sexuality is one of the most complex and politicized issues on the African continent. If Sexuality were to look in the mirror, she would see numerous faces. In these brief notes, I map out ten different “faces” of sexuality as they have been manifested in Uganda, analyzing their intersections with human rights plus the de jure and de facto rules and norms that mould and paint their features.

Archived, News

God’s Love Surpasses Sexuality –Bishop Christopher Ssenyonjo

In his modest home filled with photos of memories from his long life, Bishop Christopher Ssenyonjo gives off the aura of wisdom and brilliance. He opens his doors to those in need and has over the years dealt with backlash from the very church he served for most of his adult life; all for reaching out and trying to offer a shoulder to lean on sexual minorities in Uganda.