“Free Gender has made the decision to continue to suspend its support for the upcoming Cape Town Pride 2015,” said Funeka Soldaat, who is the chairperson of Free Gender, an organisation that campaigns for the rights of homosexuals in Khayelitsha.
“The events currently tabled for the upcoming Cape Town Pride are exclusionary and do not represent the black lesbian, gay, bisexual, intersex and transgender community (LGBTI),” she added.
Still from series The Pearl of Africa Originally posted on CNN – In a country where being gay has been outlawed by the state, “The Pearl of Africa” follows the emotional journey of Cleopatra Kambugu, a 27-year-old transgender girl. Born biologically male, the series follows her journey as she openly transitions into a woman. Read […]
By George Barasa: This is a story of a Lesbian, mother to one and former wife to a straight man. We met during an advocacy training in Nairobi. She was always jovial but behind those smiling lips lies anguish and despair. I didn’t know that until one time during lunch hour when I wanted to know her […]
By George Barasa: Everyone has a story to tell. But some choose the pain of never letting it out for once and for all. It is better off anyway because no one would rather remember their past in such a way. That is the last thing they’d want to go through. You don’t need to […]
On the 11th of September 2012, me and my boyfriend were in our rental room having sex when one of the next door neighbors heard our screams. He had always suspected me and my boyfriend being gay. On hearing the screams, he immediately rushed to Kalisizo police station and on the way there he went telling neighbours in the village that he heard us having sex. He then came with all villagers and police right to our door and they knocked. We didn’t open it which forced the police to kick it inside. Police found us all naked and threw all of us out of the house thus handcuffing us. Immediately the mob started beating us with stones and sticks with nails saying that we were curses and needed to be killed.
By Ambrose On the 13th of February 2015 a movie based on a true story about an outed LGBTI person in Kampala was premiered registering a good attendance. Members from the Ugandan lgbti community and the allies graced the occasion. Based on a true story, Vida a gay man and an employee of one of the […]
“We think Martha is the perfect recipient for this award. We need more allies like Martha, who are willing to promote the rights of LGBTI people and to speak out against homophobia, transphobia, and biphobia,” said Alan Smith, Senior Adviser in the International Planned Parenthood Federation’s HIV team and supporter of the IPPF Sexual Diversity Network.
About KT Kuchu Times is a Media Initiative formed to forge ways of giving a platform to the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender and Intersex community in Uganda and Africa. A platform to create change in our struggles for equality and freedom by sharing, educating and informing the huge diverse African communities. This media platform is […]
To share one’s story is not only empowering but also therapeutic. For many LGBTQI people who find themselves displaced and planted in foreign lands there are hit by harsh realities, which can be both crippling and exciting, either way to share these stories seems an ideal way to maintain a connection and a sense of belonging to the home ground LGBTI movements.
Organised religion is the world’s greatest fount of obscurantism, prejudice, superstition and oppression. It has caused misery to billions of people for millennia, and continues to do so in many countries. So how come I was once in thrall to it? Nowadays, I am a human rights activist motivated by love and compassion for other people. I do evidence-based campaigning, based on humanitarian and rational values.