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Uganda: Keeping up Appearances

As we got lost into the conversation, I looked at this alter boy and remembered how holy he looks when
at the altar, the church harbors many sinners! In my very first write up, I talked about gay saints; the
church has pretty many of them. It is therefore no sin in considering gay marriage, God has already
bought them close to his table, why chase them then! In am always humbled when I see my gay brother
Deo doing what God called him to do. What was meant to be a dinner date ended as a coming out
platform! God forgive us our sins and save us from the fires of hell.

Archived, News

Uganda: “Meet BadBlack”, The Fearless Transwoman

She has been verbally and physically attacked by the community she is meant to feel safe in but that has not taken away her zeal to effect change. Bad Black has dedicated her life as a peer educator and works hand in hand with friendly clinics to provide health services for the transwomen in Uganda.

Speaking on behalf of Uganda’s sex workers, Bad Black continuously appeals to legislators to put up laws that will protect the interest of people in her profession. These laws will protect sex workers from disrespectful clients and put in place a minimum wage for their trade.

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UGANDA: The Frustration of being Gay and Living a Lie.

Growing up, I never fully understood why I did the things I did. I wore my sisters’ clothes and I remember being beaten for this on several occasions. I vividly remember looking at other boys’ privates at the tender age of 6.

In school, I was more attracted to guys and girls were not on my list of priorities. My first sexual encounter was with a girl during my Senior One but I never understood what the fuss was all about because it was not interesting or even fulfilling.

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MALAWI: How the Malawi Government is Sabotaging its Own Fight Against HIV.

The fight against homophobia continues but sadly, more African countries continue to toughen and stand by their laws against LGBTI people. Just last week the Health Minister in Malawi Jean Kalilani said the country will not change its laws against homosexual acts. Kalilani made the remarks as the government applied for a grant amounting to 257 euros from the Global Fund. Quizzed on whether some of the money will be used to improve the situation of the LGBTI community in Malawi, the minister said the grant would be channeled to the fight against HIV, tuberculosis and malaria.

Archived, International, News

Uganda: Follow The Case Against Scott Lively

On March 14, 2012, the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) filed a federal lawsuit on behalf of Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG), a non-profit umbrella organization for LGBTI advocacy groups in Uganda, against Abiding Truth Ministries President Scott Lively, a U.S.-based attorney, author, and self-described world-leading expert on the “gay movement.” Filed in the United States District Court in Springfield, Massachusetts, the suit alleges that Lively’s involvement in anti-gay efforts in Uganda, including his active participation in the conspiracy to strip away fundamental rights from LGBTI persons, constitutes persecution.

Archived, News, Opportunities

ISHR 2015 training for human rights defenders: now open for applicants!

ISHR today published the call for applications for its 2015 Geneva training programme for human rights defenders. If you are a human rights defender keen to increase your interaction with the UN system, apply now!

The training will take place between 10 and 24 June 2015 and provides defenders with opportunities to put their advocacy skills directly into action at the 29th session of the UN Human Rights Council and the 22nd Annual Meeting of UN Special Procedures.

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Uganda: Outing of gays inspires bold film

The consequences of being publically outed as a homosexual in Uganda have become the subject of an audacious film due out in the coming months WRITES Polly Kamukama Aptly titled Outed, the feature film is inspired by real life incidents following the controversial publication of names and photographs of alleged gay people by two leading tabloids in 2011 and 2014.