President Obama to Declare His Support against Treatments that are Administered to Turn Gay People Straight By Editor It is a practice that has affected most LGBTIQ people across the globe. On coming out, most families struggle to accept their loved ones’ sexuality and some are known to have sought treats; from religious interventions, witchcraft, […]
The Woman I Am- One that Transcends all Norm and Expectation By our Correspondent I am the kind of woman who proudly associates with happiness; in Uganda we say “sagala stress”! I know the cost of stress and early aging isn’t my portion. I care to laugh whenever I can and choose not to frown. […]
Anti-Gay Ugandan Extremist Martin Ssempa is U.S. Citizen; Testimony Sought in U.S. Court Case | Center for Constitutional Rights Official court documents are located here. Photo Credit: Martin Ssempa Social Media
They say ignorance is no excuse but let’s make an exception here. Maybe homophobia in Africa has stemmed from the fact that people rarely address the myths that surround being homosexual. In this article, a proud lesbian breaks down the misconceptions that heterosexuals have about sexual minorities.
German Parliamentarian Sends Heartfelt Message of Encouragement to Bombastic Magazine Team By Editor As the struggle for equality and veneration for human rights around the world continues, several world leaders have had to publicly make a stand on the LGBTI issue. While some have fervently decried homosexuality and the struggles that come with it, others […]
ATTENTION: TO ALL LESBIAN GAY BISEXUAL TRANSGENDER AND INDEX ORGANISATIONS. DEAR ALL. Kuchu Times(KT) is a new Media Initiative that has been formed by activists belonging to different Ugandan LGBTI organisations to create a platform for the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender and Intersex community in Uganda and Africa; a platform where we hope to […]
Ghana Reportedly on Its Way to Decriminalising Homosexuality By Editor News coming in from Ghana might be the first ray of hope to the entire continent as recent developments point to the country being on its way to legalizing homosexuality. According to the West African nation’s Chief Psychiatrist Dr Kwasi Osei, who is on record […]
What God Has Put Together, Let No Man Put Asunder The world might not fully comprehend gay relationships but LGBTI people continue to go about their lives as normal as can be, despite all the hurdles in their way. They love, they fight, and like all normal relationships, they dream of eventually walking down the […]
KAPS Representatives Converge to Strengthen the National MARPS Priority Action Plan By Ambrose Barigye In order for the country to operationalise and implement the national strategic plan 2015/16-2019/20, HIV stakeholders have prepared a draft NMPAP plan to be used as a guide for implementing partners , districts, sectors( public and private), CSOs and FBOs in […]
I am Intersex, Apostle Darlan Rukih Moses comes out of the Closet By George Barasa For the past 35 years, his life has been an empty shell, filled with shame and guilt. Coming to terms with the fact that he was intersex (person with both the male and female sex organs) was too much to […]