

HRAPF Launches Reports on ‘Idle and Disorderly’ Laws and Human Rights Awareness and Violations based on SOGI

The research led by Fridah Mutesi found that the Idle and disorderly laws are extensively implemented in Uganda and according to records, 958 charges were recorded at five different policy stations between 2011 and 2015.
It was discovered that victims of these arrests are mostly marginalised groups that rank lowest on the social and economic radar.

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Life after RAPE- A Transman’s Tale of Raising a Child Singlehandedly

Tears rolled down Wahab’s face as he talked about his son.” I am his mother and father; and sometimes I can’t even afford to pay school fees for my own child, this breaks my heart,” he narrates. He however explains that he has a Congolese friend who has took him in and thanks God for this miracle. The lady has been a stronghold for Wahab and has also taken on helping his (Wahab’s) son whenever she can.


Stigma Prolongs Global HIV Epidemic Among Gays, Report Indicates

“Stigma and discrimination continue to play a very big role in these epidemics,” Beyrer said in a Hopkins news release. “In many countries, these men are just not welcome in health clinics and the fear of discrimination stands in the way of not only treatment, but even just the testing that can go a long way toward stemming the spread of disease.”

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#UgandaIsOrlando: Uganda’s LGBTI Community Holds Vigil to Mourn the Victims of the Orlando Shooting

To show their love and support during this hard time, the Ugandan LGBTI community held a vigil on 18/6/2016 at the Chapter Four office premises. Despite the heavy down pour, the event organized by Kuchu Times Media Group, saw a number of LGBTI identifying persons and allies of the community come together to pay their respects to the innocent souls that were lost in the tragic shooting.

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Rahul’s journey to unearth the hidden secrets beneath Mwanga’s motive of killing the Uganda Martyrs

By Barigye Ambrose. Rahul Rao is a senior lecturer in politics under the department of politics and international studies, also works at School of Oriental & African Studies in the University of London. Rahul Rao has research interests in international relations theory, the international relations of South Asia, comparative political thought, and gender and sexuality. […]

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Letter from 31 Ugandan and International Organizations

RE: Break-ins targeting offices of Ugandan human rights organizations Gen. Kale Kayihura Inspector General of Police Uganda Police Force Kampala, Uganda June 13, 2016 Dear General Kayihura, We, the undersigned national and international organizations engaged in various ways in work in Uganda, are writing to express our grave concern about a wave of break-ins targeting […]