Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is an HIV prevention strategy where HIV-negative individuals take anti-HIV medications before coming into contact with HIV to reduce their risk of becoming infected. The medications work to prevent HIV from establishing infection inside the body.
PrEP means Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis, and it’s the use of anti-HIV medication that keeps HIV negative people from becoming infected. PrEP is approved by the FDA and has been shown to be safe and effective. A single pill taken once daily, it is highly effective against HIV when taken every day. The medication interferes with HIV’s ability to copy itself in your body after you’ve been exposed. This prevents it from establishing an infection and making you sick.
“There was a literacy gap within the sex workers community- many of these women could barely write their names. Some of them could not express themselves which made their advocacy very difficult. This program was therefore put in place to pass on the much needed formal education to WONETHA members. Even though we are sex workers, we need these skills for survival in this competitive world,” Ms. Natukunda explained.
My full concentration will now be on LGBTI activism that I have been involved in since 2002/03 when we started Spectrum Uganda Initiative. I am dedicating my time now is to re-integrating myself into the activism system that I was previously giving just a portion of myself.
“I am thankful for this program that WONETHA is implementing; I have gained very many skills and I’m sure they will help me in life. I never knew how to save money as I would spend all my earnings without proper planning. During the course, I started applying what I was being taught- I now own different plantations and I’m even employing a few people.,” Lydia, a beneficiary of the program said.
He quickly juxtaposes what the movement used to be to what its is today ; life these days is very easy when it comes to communication because of new inventions like social media, smart phones and other technological advancements that have made the world a very small province. SK explains that this has cost the movement a lot as people do not create firm foundations- which is what Uganda’s LGBT movement was built on.
It is with very heavy hearts and deep-felt sadness that we announce the cancellation of Pride Uganda 2017. Following the Police raid and interruption of the Pride parade last year, extra precaution was taken in organising this year’s festival.
I appeal to all political leaders, both local and national, to make an effort to understand LGBTI people. They should have dialogues to enlighten themselves and receive the right information about gender and sexual minorities.
Apako Williams the Coordinator of Tranz Network Uganda informed the gathering that transgender persons in Uganda continue to live in an environment full of hate and stigma and are regarded by many as the face of homosexuality. Tranz Network Uganda hopes that that the outcomes of such dialogues will help policy makers to plan effectively for transgender people across the country.
“Arresting sex workers because someone was killed in a particular place will not solve the problem, let the police instead beef up security in the areas with where sex workers operate in order to curb these crimes ,”Naki told Kuchu Times