The complaint challenges the CG to carry out a full and satisfactory investigation into the actions of a Principal Officer who personally participated in and/or oversaw the beating, abuse and even burning of some of the COSF-20.
However, this year like all other worldwide celebrations, the LGBTIQ community has been forced to take a step back and find more creative ways of holding Pride events without putting anyone’s life at risk of contracting the COVID-19 virus.
While the political will for change seems clear, there is often a gap between theory and practice. This is where the emphasis between now and 2030 must lie. Throughout sub-Saharan Africa, teachers mention that implementing inclusive education is hard because they lack resources.
– The Refugee Coalition of East Africa (RefCEA) joins our fellow refugees worldwide today in celebrating World Refugee Day. According to UNHCR, “World Refugee Day is an international day designated by the United Nations to honour refugees around the globe.
In a positive judgement delivered by Justice Micheal Elubu, the Court declared that the refusal tantamounted to a violation of the non derogable right to a fair hearing and the right to liberty. For these violations, the Court awarded 5 million Uganda shillings (about USD 1340) to each of the accused persons and also awarded costs to HRAPF.
Uganda’s LGBTIQ community has reason to jubilate amidst the COVID-19 hardships as an order for immediate release has this afternoon been issued for the #COSF19. This comes after the DPP withdrew all charges against the nineteen youth
The civil division of the High Court has granted Human Rights Awareness and Promotion Forum (HRAPF) access to the #COSF19. Justice Micheal Elobu based the judgement on the un-rebutted evidence of continued denial of access to counsel for the accused persons.
The book to be launched is a response to the effects of COVID-19 and the resultant access (or lack thereof) to justice faced by LGBTI individuals throughout the country. It is therefore geared towards empowering LGBT paralegals across the nation to respond to the human rights violations that may arise during this lockdown.
Unfortunately, 23 people living at a shelter serving lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people in Kyengera, a Kampala suburb, were arrested by Uganda Police force Officers and Local leaders in the disguise of effecting President Museveni’s directives of lockdown.
As the world continues to become lonelier than it already was due to the COVID-19 pandemic, LGBTIQ persons are taking even harder hits with the isolation. Tragedy befell the LGBTIQ community yesterday when 27-year-old Aneste Mweru from Uganda took his own life in Westlands in the Kenyan Capital of Nairobi.