
Archived, International, News

Making Parenthood a Reality for Sexual Minorities

One Man’s Dream to Make Parenthood a Reality for Sexual Minorities By Ruth Muganzi Every so often, LGBTI persons have had to deal with the dilemma of starting a family. After getting past the ridicule and hurdles that come with identifying as a sexual minority, the decision to become parents is another of the hardest challenges LGBTI persons encounter.

Archived, International, News

Namibia: Transmen in homecoming dilemma

WINDHOEK – Namibian immigration authorities are facing one of their sternest tests yet, after a group of Sweden-based Namibian transmen applied for a change in their gender statuses from female to male on their identity documents.

One of the transmen, Safira Eiseb, plans to bring ‘his’ Swedish wife and their twin kids to Namibia towards the end of this year but it is feared his current national identity documents – and his own views on them – could present problems for his entry into the country.

Archived, International, News

German Parliamentarian Sends Heartfelt Message of Encouragement to Bombastic Magazine Team

German Parliamentarian Sends Heartfelt Message of Encouragement to Bombastic Magazine Team By Editor As the struggle for equality and veneration for human rights around the world continues, several world leaders have had to publicly make a stand on the LGBTI issue. While some have fervently decried homosexuality and the struggles that come with it, others […]

Archived, International, News

Uganda: Follow The Case Against Scott Lively

On March 14, 2012, the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) filed a federal lawsuit on behalf of Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG), a non-profit umbrella organization for LGBTI advocacy groups in Uganda, against Abiding Truth Ministries President Scott Lively, a U.S.-based attorney, author, and self-described world-leading expert on the “gay movement.” Filed in the United States District Court in Springfield, Massachusetts, the suit alleges that Lively’s involvement in anti-gay efforts in Uganda, including his active participation in the conspiracy to strip away fundamental rights from LGBTI persons, constitutes persecution.