However much it was such a hard thing to take a role in this movie, I had to take the risk since we shouldn’t stand and watch when this unfair treatment of LGBTI individuals continues to soar day by day in our society, I feel inspired to take on this career and I call upon other community members to come and join us in other similar related projects since acting is also another form of advocacy
By Barigye Ambrose: Youth On Rock Foundation a community based organisation which begun in November 2010 as a result of losing one of their members to HIV/AIDS, organized the world AIDS day event 2015 on the 1st of December 2015 at Marpi STDI clinic premises, Old Mulago under the theme GETTING TO ZERO “Zero Discrimination” […]
By: Barigye Ambrose In every struggle, a new life blood added onto the already existing force creates a strong and unified movement hard to bring down. This is the same as we talk currently regarding the growth of a transgender movement in Uganda. With the inspiration from one of Uganda’s renowned advocate for the rights […]
Your excellencies, Members of Parliament, Ladies and Gentlemen: The celebrated Nigerian novelist Chinua Achebe once said that we cannot trample upon the humanity of others without devaluing our own. I believe in the possibility of a world where we as human beings can see ourselves as one and simply as human as one another. A […]
We invite applications for grants from any individual or organization in thirteen eligible southern African countries, for work that addresses discrimination against lesbian women or transgender people. To be eligible for a grant you must be: A lesbian woman or a transgender person, or an organization that is led by lesbian women or transgender people; […]
EXCLUSIVELY BOMBASTIC: PRIDE UGANDA 2015,Official LGBTI Media Captures Five Day Festival in Totality
Eight months of waiting and swiftly the days dwindled down to just mere hours. The count down for the long awaited Pride Uganda 2015 festival themed WE ARE FAMILY was nearly over; but now, the anticipation was replaced by excitement and nostalgia.
In a human rights situation that has captured global attention, a majority of African countries have anti-homosexuality laws in place, some of which go so far as to punish offenders with life imprisonment or the death penalty. The Ugandan government, in particular, has faced widespread criticism for its passage in 2009 of an anti-homosexuality bill and the violence against sexual minorities that ensued.
The first of its kind, this event will be going down in a five star hotel in uptown of Nairobi. And I am among other guests in attendance. The first LGBT event in Nairobi this year dedicated to us this coming Valentine’s Day. I managed to get their flier and with the information […]