Kuchu Times Editor


Among You Ugandan LGBT+ Lived Realities Podcast

The “Among You” podcast project stands as a powerful initiative aimed at humanizing the LGBT+ community in Uganda and the rest of the region. Through these brave individual stories, the project aims to break the silence, dismantle prejudice and drive societal change, ultimately fostering an inclusive and accepting society. We aim to listen, learn and stand in solidarity ensuring that no voice remains unheard and no story remains untold.

Events, International, News

Regional Day Of Action To Express Support For Ugandans Affected By The Anti Homosexuality Act.

The Ugandan Anti-Homosexuality Act 2023 undermines the comprehensive HIV response that has been successful in Uganda up to this point. The Act creates fear and stigmatization, making it difficult for marginalized communities, including LGBTQ+ individuals, to seek HIV testing, treatment, and care. By pushing these populations into the shadows, the Act significantly impedes efforts to achieve the 2030 HIV targets.


HRAPF Report On The Cases Of Violence And Violations Based on Real Or Imputed SOGIE One Month Since The Anti Homosexuality Act 2023 Was Enacted.

It is important to note that this report does not present a comprehensive view of the situation for LGBTIQ people across the country as it contains only the cases that were reported to HRAPF through our legal aid network, and excludes cases reported to other legal aid service providers/ handled through other channels and those not reported at all. The report focuses on cases, which are defined as a separate set of facts involving the violation of laws or rights which are included in one file. Each case can therefore contain more than one violation against more than one individual.

News, Opportunities

Research study; The Reality of LGBTQ+ Employment Post Enacting of the Anti Homosexuality Act.

Kuchu Times Media Group and Mend Initiatives are conducting a research study aimed at shedding light on the experiences of Individuals who have faced discrimination in the job market as a result of Uganda’s recently implemented anti-gay law. We believe that every individual deserves equal opportunities and fair treatment in their professional lives, irrespective of […]


Heroes’ Day Call To Action!

As we gather as a nation to celebrate the heroes that fought to bring ‘freedom’ it is important to ponder on what that means for Ugandans. If I as a landlord, among the things I have to do is turn into a tenant watcher lest I am imprisoned for 8 years for failure to report my tenants as homosexuals, am I then enjoying a free state? If as a journalist as I write this article, my hands shake above my keyboard because press freedom has been rendered a myth, am I then enjoying freedom? Millions of Ugandans actually belong to the LGBT+ community, what is there for them to celebrate of this heroes’ day when every day we are woken by gruesome pictures of people beaten or worse murdered!

News, Promotional

Convening For Equality Statement On The Assent of The Anti Homosexuality Bill, 2023.

“Despite our concerted efforts to stop the passage of the Anti-Homosexuality Bill, the President has today legalized state-sponsored homophobia and transphobia by signing this bill into law. It will erode the inherent rights of LGBTIQ individuals and put innocent Ugandans at cross hairs of grave violations from State and non-state actors. We now look forward to the legal challenge in court, and the law being repealed,” said Frank Mugisha of Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG).