This has been received by the LGBTQ community as a colossal move to kick homophobia out of sports.
Kuchu Times Editor
Many times we document stories from organisations without really getting to interact on a personal level.
She continues to live in pain because she has no financial support and had to stop working due to her condition.
They shared in detail what they went through before the arrest, during the arrest and up to when they got to Kitalya prison. Some even told me they made “friends” in jail.
The refill of lubricants doesn’t seem to be a priority to the health officials at the hospital and we are pushed to think it is their way of oppressing a whole community.
Fr. Simon Lokodo was openly homophobic and used his office to discriminate against an already discriminated population, his actions especially during his justification for the mini skirt bill and the sexual offenses bill demonstrated discrimination against women when he dared to blame women for their being raped.
Successful parenting is never about Sexuality but about Love and Care for the creatures we bring on this planet.
What happens in state A may not be accepted in state B we must not uproot a fig tree and plant it elsewhere, it will not grow. Uganda operates according to her historical, social and economic realities.