Racial discrimination has sadly been noticed in the current conflict in Ukraine.
Kuchu Times Editor
Our #WCW for this week Aisha-Ashe our correspondent from Kasese who works with Twilight Support Initiative. Ashe shared bits of her life with us below.
Ally ship in all its forms expires without effort. You must live it. Time and again. It is not an IDENTITY, it is ACTION.
SO today we celebrate.
A police officer told me he is tired of dealing with homosexuals and I should consider going back to my country
She envisions a Uganda where service provision is not at all affiliated to sexual orientation and gender identity, the state needs to recognize that before we are gay or transgender we are Ugandans with constitutional rights.
The struggle for equality and freedom has not been an easy one for women let alone LBQT Ugandans.
“Pap smears have been highly effective as a (cervical cancer) screening tool for women, so why not do the same thing for the anal canal?” Says Peter Leone, MD infectious Diseases expert at UNC medical center.
. “I found my family at the end of the white line, I do not know if I am addicted and how far I can go and still remain safe! All I know is 5 minutes after this white line and I am not the abomination my parents convinced me I was.” Aries (not real name) told KTMG
This is a good time for us to reflect on our spirituality as queer women.
I made a decision to quit drinking so she doesn’t feel bad being the one taking soda or water while others drink alcohol.