Well by definition toxic positivity is a dysfunctional approach to emotional management that happens when people do not fully acknowledge negative emotions, particularly anger and sadness. One might ask what is wrong with refusal to feel negative emotions and live on positive vibes throughout, the answer is simple life is made of balance.
Kuchu Times Editor
This lesbian visibility week, it is important to bring visibility to issues affecting lesbians that people ignore or know nothing of. In such a week when the whole world is looking at us , is when we should be loudest! Lesbians face Intimate Partner Violence, Sexual Gender Based Violence and mental health issues. For us to decide to only speak on the positive during this week gives the world an impression that we are okay which makes our issues watered down when we share.
We have come to learn that these crimes are intended to send messages to “those like you” and with this incident the message hit home. We are scared and angry. We are scared because we know the line between being any of us in that pool of blood is as thin as the patience we have for African judicial systems when it come to LGBT persons. We are angry because we are tired of being treated like we are not human beings and our lives do not matter,”
Kuchu Times Media Group has identified that there are opportunities that came specifically for the community or those that are what one would call inclusive. We also appreciate that not all community members have access to these opportunities for one reason or the other. From this need, Kuchu Times has birthed the Opportunity Mondays!
Uganda doesn’t really investigate LGBTQ murders as well, we have questions.
We need to fix the language within the medical fraternity. They need to look at intersex as human beings and stop pathologizing us.
With support from Power of Pride, Kuchu Times Media Group has organized writing labs that are aimed at training LGBTIQ+ storytellers in the basics of safe storytelling. We are targeting community members who are already involved in community storytelling.
Can “kameeza” funds work within the LGBTQ settings without inciting IPV?
Many are of the opinion that she is being “cancelled” because she came out as pansexual and Nickelodeon doesn’t want to be associated with LGBTQ people.