Visual Echoes for Human Rights Advocacy-VEHRA is a youth led LGBTQ organization founded in 2017. The organization uses sports, are and economic empowerment to advocate for LGBTQ human rights in Uganda.
Kuchu Times Editor
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We are quick to realize when people we love have their check engine light on yet drive around with our mental health on ‘I know my car.’ We also know what we want to receive from people that we love yet seem to be stuck in an unrequited love affair with ourselves.
We are not broken however and we will continue to speak up and fight injustices that harm LGBTQ Ugandans.
Although about 30 years ago the World Health Organisation-WHO declassified homosexuality as a mental health disorder many countries including Uganda continue to discriminate against LGBTQ people.
Self-reflection and wellness builds onto self-awareness, self-love and healing.
The victims were brutally stabbed to death or sexually abused through corrective gang rape or strangled and/or violently assaulted before being killed.
Everyone, everywhere, should be free to express who they are and love who they love without fear of violence or discrimination.
Lesbian Bisexual and Queer-LBQ women on several occasions are harassed by their partner’s friend and relatives but in most cases they let it slide because they are afraid of hurting their partner’s feelings at the expense of their dignity.
LGBT+ activists and allies in Ghana continue to oppose the Bill and are fighting to prevent its passage into law. To support this vital work, All Out and partners in Ghana, started a petition to the Constitution and Legal Affairs Committee, and the President of Ghana, to reject and dismiss the Bill.