
Biseksio – Abakikuba left right center!

As we celebrate Bisexuality Awareness Week, Kuchu Times Media Group stands in solidarity with the bisexual community, recognizing the unique challenges they face and celebrating the vital role they play within the broader LGBTQ+ movement. This week is an opportunity to raise awareness about bisexuality, dispel harmful myths, and promote a more inclusive understanding of the diverse experiences of bisexual individuals.

Bisexuality is the capacity to be attracted—romantically or sexually—to more than one gender. It is not about being “confused” or “undecided,” but rather about having a genuine and valid attraction to people regardless of their gender. Bisexuality exists on a spectrum, and each person experiences it in their own way. According to numerous studies, bisexual people make up the largest segment of the LGBTQ+ community, yet they often face significant erasure and misunderstanding, both within and outside of the community.

One of the most insidious challenges bisexual people face is what we call “double stigma.” On one hand, they often encounter prejudice from the heterosexual community, where they are dismissed as “indecisive” or “just experimenting.” On the other hand, they may face exclusion from the homosexual community, where they are sometimes viewed as not “gay enough” or accused of having “straight privilege.” This double-edged discrimination, known as biphobia, leads to feelings of isolation and marginalization that can take a toll on mental health and social inclusion.

This double stigma contributes to the erasure of bisexuality, making it seem invisible or invalid. It pressures bisexual people to “choose a side,” when in reality, their identity is as legitimate as any other on the LGBTQ+ spectrum.

Dispelling Myths and Misconceptions

To move towards greater understanding and acceptance, it is essential to confront and dispel some of the common myths about bisexuality:

1. Myth: Bisexual people are confused or going through a phase.
Fact: Bisexuality is a valid sexual orientation. Being attracted to more than one gender is not a temporary phase, but a genuine identity. Many bisexual individuals know their orientation from a young age, just like anyone else in the LGBTQ+ community.

2. Myth: Bisexual people are promiscuous.
Fact: Sexual orientation has no bearing on how many partners a person has or what kinds of relationships they prefer. Bisexual people can be monogamous, polyamorous, or choose not to engage in relationships at all—just like anyone else.

3. Myth: Bisexual people are just seeking attention.
Fact: Bisexuality is not about gaining attention or following trends. People who identify as bisexual do so because it reflects their true feelings and experiences. Their sexual orientation is as real and meaningful as any other.

4. Myth: Bisexuality isn’t real—it’s just a step towards being gay or lesbian.
Fact:While some people may explore different aspects of their sexuality over time, bisexuality is not a stepping stone. It is a complete identity in itself, and many bisexual individuals remain attracted to more than one gender throughout their lives.

At Kuchu Times Media Group, we believe that bisexual people deserve to be celebrated for who they are, without having to justify their identity to others. It is crucial that we, as a community, recognize and address the specific challenges bisexual individuals face—both from within and outside the LGBTQ+ movement. By promoting greater understanding and inclusivity, we can dismantle harmful stereotypes and build a world where everyone is free to love who they love, without fear of stigma or erasure.

This Bisexuality Awareness Week, let us commit to amplifying the voices of bisexual people and working towards a world that truly embraces the full diversity of human experience.