The purpose of this #DYK campaign is to raise awareness on the amendment of the act so as sexual and gender minority communities are not found at the wrong end of the law. We also aim to clear some misinformation and disinformation that has been spread which has raised a lot of online insecurity and further curtailed freedom of speech of structurally silenced groups. We believe that as minority groups, the internet plays a big role in advancing our advocacy; this campaign is aimed ensuring the continuity of this advocacy.
October 2022
HER Internet’s campaign’s hashtag #SpeakFreelyTypeFreelydraws on the insight that the same rights that are enjoyed by people offline to express themselves should also be enjoyed online and calls on everyone to make it safe for people to express themselves freely, while #SeeSomethingSaySomethingencourages all internet users to call out any violation or infringement upon their digital rights or the rights of others.
To get involved or participate, follow HER Internetvia their social media pages: Twitter, Instagram and Facebookthrough #SpeakFreelyTypeFreely and #SeeSomethingSaySomething.
Although economic justice is a strong pillar in the fight against discrimination and stigma ,key population communities need to realize that they do not operate in a vacuum away from the rest of the world and as citizens of Uganda are also very much entitled to the benefits of all government poverty alleviation programs.
Sexual Minorities Uganda is launching a campaign, Reopen SSMUG aimed at raising awareness of the closure of SMUG and to elicit concrete action from diplomatic, and human government bodies worldwide.