Opportunity Monday!
Sexual and gender minorities have been accused of laziness because most of them are unemployed or exploited. Instead of society exploring the reasons why this is the way it is, we are just bundled up with criminals who do not want to earn an honest living.
The reasons LGBTIQ+ persons are unemployed are quite many but all stem from discrimination. Workspaces take one look at some individuals coupled with society’s stereotypes and conclude that these are unemployable. Transgender persons, butch lesbians or feminine presenting gay men are written by sight alone and usually the interviews do not even take place.
Another major reason LGBTIQ+ persons struggle with employment is because sometimes they do not have the skills required for jobs. This goes back to discrimination because these people are persecuted so much in schools growing up they end up dropping out. Others lose the support of guardians once they are notified by schools that they’re LGBTIQ+
What then can sexual and gender minorities do to earn a living? Kuchu Times Media Group has identified that there are opportunities that came specifically for the community or those that are what one would call inclusive. We also appreciate that not all community members have access to these opportunities for one reason or the other. From this need, Kuchu Times has birthed the Opportunity Mondays! Every Monday morning across our social media we shall be sharing all LGBTIQ+ friendly opportunities including but not limited to jobs, funding opportunities for community solutions and scholarships!
The goal is that none of us is left behind. You now have something to look forward to to start your week with hope. Also organizations with these opportunities can reach out on our socials and we shall feature them.