
We Can Tell Our Stories Without Bias-Chronicles Of Bombastic Magazine (Diane Pt.1)

When Kasha Jaqueline Nabagesera told me about Bombastic magazine, I thought, “How is this going to be received by our homophobic society?” But I knew that it was a great idea, the easiest way to have our own stories told in blueprint and represented by us without biased reporting. When Kuchu Times Media Group called for stories, I got in touch because I felt that my experience would encourage our community, a story of truth and not one based on perceptions and assumptions of others.

The first edition of Bombastic Magazine was captivating because the cover page was very colorful, the smile and the artwork was amazing.

Distribution to different places was quite interesting. Some people thought Bombastic Magazine was like the usual magazines that were produced in the country at the time and many people received us very well. My colleague and I went to deliver some copies at a medical center, the curiosity in their eyes and urgency to ask us questions, because it was a Catholic based institute was astounding. My colleague wasn’t comfortable leaving their telephone number for further contact but I said that it was okay. I left my telephone number with them.

As soon as we got into the car on our way back to our respective homes, I got a call and it was the sister nurse who was inquiring whether it was possible for us to deliver more Bombastic Magazine copies to the medical center because it was a gripping read.

Unfortunately, we had run out but I informed her that there was information in the magazine on how she can get a soft copy online and share the links with her friends.-Diane Sydney Bakuraira