Hungary has just adopted anti-LGBT+ legislation similar to Russia’s “gay propaganda” law. The legislation bans any material that could be seen by minors as portraying gay characters or any sort of support for the LGBT+ community. Any content that shows LGBT+ relationships, transitioning to another gender, or images of the rainbow flag will now be labeled as “not recommended for those under 18 years of age” and will be allowed to air on television only between 10 pm and 5 am. The law also extends to sex education, with only teachers and organizations who are approved by the government allowed to teach the subject.
The Hungarian government claims the legislation aims to “protect children,” but the opposite is true. By fanning the flames of homophobia and transphobia, LGBT+ children and families are put at further risk of discrimination and violence.
This is not the first time rainbow families and their children have come under attack in Hungary: Last year, the Parliament enacted legislation that bars gay couples from adopting children by defining a family as having to include a man as the father and a woman as the mother. As a member of the European Union Hungary has committed itself to respect the human rights of its citizens.
In passing this legislation it has clearly violated this commitment and must face harsh consequences. Just like how you joined and supported Uganda after the signing of the Anti Homosexuality Bill also known as Kill the Gays Bill that was eventually annulled, we urge you to sign this petition and urge the European Union to step up immediately and use all tools available to force the Hungarian government to retract the law.
Meanwhile yesterday at a Euro 2020 game, spectators made a pro-LGBTIQ protest at a Germany-Hungary Euro game in defence of LGBTIQ rights in Hungary. A brave a spectator wearing a German shirt ran onto the pitch with a rainbow flag while the Hungarian anthem was played before the game while other spectators waved rainbow flags.