

Open For Business has recently released a report on LGBT+ inclusion and the UN sustainable development Goals.

The report indicates that LBGT+ people have often faced barriers in accessing economic and social development initiatives. While LGBT+ people are not explicitly identified as a marginalized population in Agenda 2030, several SDG targets provide entry points that can be utilized by advocates of inclusive societies to ensure that LGBT+ people are not left behind and the purpose of the report is to highlight the linkages and build bridges between SDG action and commitments to LGBT+ inclusion.

After the Global Goals were launched the UN Secretary General asserted that the SDGs will only be realized if UN member states reach all people, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity2. This is supported by the work of Open For Business, which has shown that there is a clear economic case for encouraging the inclusion of LGBT+ people in society.

It is also the message of the UN OHCHR Standards of Conduct for Business which build on the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and support companies in eliminating LGBT+ discrimination within the workforce and preventing human rights violations against LGBT+ consumers, suppliers and distributors.3 Now there are just 10 years to fulfil the SDG commitments, an unprecedented effort is needed across society, and business has a fundamental role to play.

This report also highlights 20 SDG targets that are highly relevant to companies’ actions to enhance LGBT+ inclusion while contributing to the realisation of Agenda 2030. It covers poverty, health, education, gender equality, decent work, inequality and more, each time bringing the lens of LGBT+ realities. This primer is designed to ensure that LGBT+ inclusion is woven into business action on the SDGs and vice versa to ensure that everyone benefits from action towards Agenda 2030.


OPEN FOR BUSINESS is a coalition of global companies making the case that inclusive, diverse societies are better for business and better for economic growth. The purpose of the coalition is to advance LGBT+ inclusion globally, by promoting the economic and business case for equality of opportunity for everyone, all across the world. Open For Business coalition partners share a deep-rooted commitment to diversity and inclusion in their own workplaces, and they are concerned about the spread of anti-LGBT+ policies in many countries in which they operate. In order to promote open and inclusive societies where business can flourish, the coalition presents the data that demonstrates inclusion is better for business and better for economic growth.

To read the full primer, please download the report here