
International AIDS Conference Scholarships Available

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MSMGF would like to remind and encourage all of our stakeholders and community members to apply for financial aid scholarships for the 2016 International AIDS conference in Durban, South Africa on July 18-22. Completed applications with a letter of recommendation are due by February 12th. This years the International AIDS Society (IAS) is giving out twice as many scholarships as in previous years (approximately 1000). The MSMGF preconference registration will also be available at http://www.aids2016.org in February. The MSMGF preconference is on July 16th, 2 days before the main conference begins. It is free to attend once you are registered for the main conference and the preconference.

Please remind your friends, colleagues and fellow activists to apply for funding now so men who have sex with men, transgender people and other key populations are adequately represented at the conference.

AIDS 2016 organizers are committed to doubling the number of scholarships “to make the conference even more accessible to people from resource-limited settings, researchers, young people, community activists and civil society representatives.” At the last conference 480 scholarships were awarded and this coming year they hope to give out 1000 financial assistance packages.

The Scholarship Program is open to everyone around the world working or volunteering in the field of HIV and AIDS who are at least 16 years of age at the time of the conference. The program provides financial assistance to help people who would otherwise be unable to attend to benefit from the conference. For more information about the requirements and process, please consult the Scholarship Program: terms and conditions.

Priority will be given to those whose participation will help enhance their work in their own communities, to those who are able to assist in the transfer of skills and knowledge acquired at the conference, and to those whose abstract, workshop or program activity submission has been selected. Scholarship selection will be based on a non-biased scoring system. A Scholarship Review Committee will contribute to the reviewing and scoring of the applications.

Awards will be given on a case by case basis and may include provisions for registration, travel and room and board.

Frequently asked questions about scholarships, volunteering and abstract submissions are answered here.