To address issues that most affect the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender and Intersex community, Kuchu Times came up the idea for a bi-monthly talk show named The View.
The new talk show, which had its first episode discuss the ten year sentence of Chris Mubiru for sodomy, will encompass everything that in one way or another has an impact on both sexual and gender minorities.
“Nothing will be off limits with The View. If it is breaking news, a recent incident or generally an issue that somehow changes the dynamics of the community, it will be up for discussion,” Ruth one of the brains behind The View intimated.
The View will host people from within the community, LGBTI allies, experts in whatever fields will be tabled as well as people that are opposed to the movement. This will give the talk show an all round outlook as people endeavor to defend their stands and continue to advocate for equality for all.
You are all encouraged to send in topics that you think are pressing for the community as well as short clips of your opinions on those particular subjects.